Rabu, 02 April 2008
Mayasari Bakti Kurang Perduli kenyamanan Penumpang
Soal transportasi contohnya. Mungkin orang dari luar kota tidak habis pikir mengapa orang jakarta mau berjejal-jejal naik bis kota. Tapi itulah kenyataannya. Buat orang jakarta mungkin sudah terbiasa dengan pemandangan seperti ini.
Sepatutnya Transportasi umum ini bisa lebih nyaman, manusiawi dan aman. Pengelola bus juga jangan asal mencari keuntungan, mestinya mereka bisa membuat aturan yang membatasi jumlah penumpang.
Sebagai contoh, umumnya setiap bus mayasari atau steady safe atau bus umum khan punya kondektur. selama ini fungsi kondektur hanya sekedar untuk menagih uang dari penumpang. Seharusnya bisa lebih dari itu, misalnya juga menjaga keamanan.
Kalau kondisi berjejal-jejal, bagaimana mungkin membuat bus menjadi aman ? Demikian juga mengenai pintu masuk. Mungkin bisa dipikirkan agar tiap bus hanya memiliki satu pintu masuk, ini tentu akan bisa meningkatkan keamanan dalam bus, karena kontrol akan lebih mudah.
Minggu, 26 Agustus 2007
Busway, Public Transportation in Jakarta
Existence of busway give much advantage for people in jakarta. With only Rp.3500,- we can reach nearly every place in jakarta. It also become one of solutions for trafic jam in jakarta, since they have their own way on existing roads.
Senin, 30 Juli 2007
Bajay !

Do you know Bajay ?
It is one of public transportation in my metropolitan city, Jakarta. the body is very funny, it is seem like human that face out their mounth.
Bajay have capacity of 3 passengers including the driver. But it is common to see Bajay ride by more that 5 person. Can you imagine that ?
Bajay is like motorcycle with three wheels, with noisy sound, and also black vapor at the back side.
Bajay is very stable and turnable. it can rotate their direction in very short radius.
So Watch your steps if you find it, because it can suddently exacly on your face.
Many visitors in jakarta very angered about Bajay, so if you go to jakarta in this time, don't miss their actions :))
Well It seem in the future, you will hard to find Bajay because of great many pleasure transportation. slow but sure, bajay will be replaced, and maybe you just only see bajay in picture.
Guide Trip to Kota Tua Batavia
Some of it say, Stasiun Kota and other buildings.
At this region you still see man offering their bicycle to bring you going around.
Sabtu, 28 Juli 2007
Guide Trip To Lombok
Add all of these elements together and you have a pretty good holiday destination. Not as crowded as Bali but with the same fun, sun and action.
Sunset views of Mt Agung
Guide Trip to Loksado
Loksado is a small town about 5 hours ride from Banjarmasin, the capital city of South Kalimantan. Or about 3 hours from Marabahan.
From Loksado, travelers can start trekking to Meratus Mountaineous Range with itinerary Loksado-Malaris-Haratai. With additional attraction bamboo rafting in Amandit river.
Trekking from Loksado to Haratai is nice, especially if the time close to sunset and evening. Passes wooden bridge and forests and small rivers and several villages. And the evening sky showing thousand stars that feel so close to the earth.
And in Haratai, you can stay with locals. If you're lucky, you can witnessing the locals who are still have Hinduism beliefs [called Hindu Kaharingan] arrange a ceremony called Jujuran. A pre-wedding procession where both sides of bride and groom doing Beruji [in Indonesian so called pantun or poem in English] for a dealing about expenses should be paid for the wedding ceremony.
This Jujuran can take all night long! With intermission traditional music and song using drums in trance conditions. This event will be held in a communal house, which connected with several families' houses from the same ancestor.
Meratus Mountain
Guide Trip to Maninjau
Lake Maninjau, addressed by locals as crystal lake is situated at West Sumatra. About 2 hours drive from Padang, the provincional city. Can be reached enroutes; Padang, Pariaman, Lubuk Basung, Bayur and Maninjau. Or Padang, Pariaman, Bukittinggi and passes through the famous Kelok 44 a.k.a 44 hairpin bends to Maninjau.
For orientation, there's Pasar Maninjau at the edge of Kelok 44. Then going to the right is Maninjau, known as Jalan Haji Udin Rahmani and then Bayur [sometimes pronounced as Bayua] about 2 km away. To the left from local market after the intersection is Jalan SMP.
This crystal lake offers tranquility and many accommodation scattered along the lake. Said that Lake Maninjau have 400 m depth and there's a small island in the centre of the lake.
Beside swimming and canoeing, visitors can go trekking to Sakura Hills. Or enjoy the scenic panorama of rice [padi] fields and the lake itself.
sunset in maninjau